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Master Artificial Intelligence (AI) With The Best: Top Youtube Channels To Subscribe

By | Clara Jordyn


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field of technology revolutionizing how we interact with the world. As technology advances, the demand for professionals with the knowledge and skills to understand and utilize AI is increasing. With the vast amount of online information, it is now easier than ever to learn AI from the comfort of your home.

One of the best places to start learning AI is by subscribing to the top YouTube channels dedicated to the subject. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, there is something for everyone. Subscribing to these channels will give you access to knowledge and updates on the latest happenings in the AI world.

In this article, we will explore the definition of AI, why it is essential to stay informed with the latest AI trends, and which are the best YouTube channels to subscribe to if you’re looking to boost your knowledge in the field. We will also provide some tips and best practices for mastering new concepts in AI and summarize the benefits of learning AI.

At its core, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science of creating machines that think and act like humans. It is a form of computer science that is becoming increasingly accessible and widely used in many different industries. AI systems can carry out complex tasks that usually take a human a great deal of time and effort to complete. This makes AI a powerful tool for businesses and organizations looking to increase efficiency and productivity.

AI technology can be used for a variety of practical applications. It can identify patterns in large datasets, automate decision-making processes, and make predictions based on data. AI can also be used to simulate conversations with customers and develop automated systems for tasks such as customer service and data analysis.

Learning AI is becoming more critical as the technology is being adopted by businesses and organizations worldwide. A good understanding of the fundamentals of AI will allow you to leverage its potential in your industry or profession. It will also enable you to develop your AI-based solutions and stay on top of the latest trends and developments in the field.

The Best AI Youtube Channels

Regarding learning Artificial Intelligence (AI), several options are available. One of the most popular methods of learning AI is through YouTube channels. With so many YouTube channels available, finding the best ones is challenging. To help make the process easier, here are some of the best AI YouTube channels to subscribe to:

1. Two Minute Papers

Two Minute Papers is an AI YouTube channel founded by a computer science professor, Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. The channel provides concise and insightful videos that give viewers an in-depth look at AI topics. Videos range from tutorials and overviews of various AI topics to introductions to new AI technologies. Additionally, they offer insights from leading experts in the field.

2. Siraj Raval

Siraj Raval is a world-renowned AI educator and researcher.  He hosts an AI YouTube channel offering tutorials, interviews, and lectures on AI topics. His videos provide viewers with a comprehensive look at AI concepts and their applications. He also shares his research and insights on AI, providing viewers with an up-to-date look at the field.

3. The Coding Train

The Coding Train is a popular AI YouTube channel with over 1.1 million subscribers. It is hosted by Daniel Shiffman, a computer scientist and professor at New York University. The channel covers various AI topics, from machine learning to robotics. Each video is packed with information and is designed to help viewers gain a better understanding of AI concepts.

4. Centex

spandex is an AI YouTube channel dedicated to machine learning. It is hosted by Harrison Kinsley, a software developer and data scientist. The channel offers tutorials, lectures, and interviews on machine learning, deep learning, and other AI topics. Harrison also provides insights on the latest AI trends and tools.

5. Code Bullet

Code Bullet is an AI YouTube channel hosted by Code Bullet, a software engineer and AI enthusiast. The channel provides tutorials, lectures, and interviews on AI topics. Code Bullet also provides a comprehensive look at the world of AI and machine learning, helping viewers better understand the field.

Artificial Intelligence – All in One: Artificial Intelligence – All in One is an AI YouTube channel dedicated to providing viewers with a comprehensive look at AI concepts. Artificial Intelligence professor Dr. Rajesh Kumar hosts the channel. He provides tutorials, lectures, and interviews on various AI topics.

6. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Course

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Course is a YouTube channel dedicated to teaching viewers the fundamentals of AI. AI professor Dr. Prasad Patil hosts it. The channel provides comprehensive tutorials, lectures, and interviews on AI topics. It also provides a look at the latest AI trends and tools.

By subscribing to these channels, viewers can gain a comprehensive look at AI topics. Each channel provides viewers with the latest information and insights on AI, making them invaluable resources for anyone looking to learn about the field.

Tips For Learning AI

One of the best ways to learn Artificial Intelligence (AI) is to stay motivated and dive into the content. AI technology is ever-evolving and complex, but with the right resources, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Develop A Basic Understanding Of The Fundamentals Of AI: 

Understanding the core concepts and basic principles of AI is essential to apply them to real-world problems. Start by understanding the structure and components included in AI algorithms. It can be done by reading books, watching tutorial videos, or taking online courses.

2. Practice With Coding And Ml Algorithms: 

Once you understand the basics of AI, you must start practicing with coding and machine learning algorithms. It will help you become more familiar with the technology and be able to apply it to various types of projects.

3. Learn From The Experts: 

Many AI experts are sharing their knowledge online. Follow their advice and recommendations on the best coding practices and tools. Also, attend webinars, conferences, and events to get more insight from the professionals.

Use online resources: Plenty of online resources are available to help you learn AI. Find the tutorials and courses that best fit your needs and start studying. You can also take advantage of the free tools and resources available online.

4. Take Courses To Gain A Deeper Understanding: 

Taking online courses is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of AI. Many courses are available tailored to different levels, from beginner to advanced.

By following these tips, you can start your journey to mastering AI. You can quickly become an AI expert with the proper guidance and resources.

Best Practices For Using AI YouTube Channels

Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) can seem overwhelming and intimidating, but with the right resources and dedication, you can become a master in the field. With the proper guidance and knowledge, anyone can become an expert in AI. Here are some tips and practices to help you learn AI and become an AI expert.

Develop a basic understanding of the fundamentals of AI: Before you start learning AI, it’s essential to have a strong understanding of the fundamentals of AI. This involves understanding machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. Knowing the fundamentals of AI will help you better understand the advanced topics you will learn in the future.

1. Practice With Coding And Ml Algorithms

To become an AI expert, you need to be proficient in coding and ML algorithms. Learning to code will allow you to develop AI applications and better understand how AI works. You can also practice and hone your coding skills by working on projects.

2. Learn From The Experts

YouTube is an excellent resource for learning from experts in the field. It’s a great way to understand AI in-depth and learn from experienced professionals. Many free AI resources and tutorials are available online to help you get started.

3. Make Use Of Online Resources

Plenty of online resources can help you get started with AI. From online courses to free tutorials, there are plenty of resources to help you understand the basics of AI. Taking AI courses is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of AI and can help to boost your YouTube channels Subscribers. There are lots of online and offline courses available which can help you gain a better understanding of AI.

4. Learn By Doing & Test Yourself

The best way to learn AI is by actually doing it. Working on projects is the best way to gain hands-on experience and better understand AI. Working on projects will also help you develop and hone your coding and ML skills. Testing your knowledge of AI is a great way to ensure you understand the topics. You can do this by solving coding problems and taking practice quizzes.

5. Read And Research

Reading books, articles, and research papers is one of the best ways to understand AI better. Researching and reading up on new developments in AI can help you stay on top of the latest trends in the field.

6. Keep Up With The Latest Developments

Staying updated with the latest developments in AI is an integral part of becoming an AI expert. You can do this by following blogs, news sites, and social media accounts related to AI.

These are some of the best tips and practices for learning AI. You can become an AI expert with the right resources, dedication, and effort. To make the most of your learning experience, practice regularly, test yourself, and stay current with the latest developments.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) transforms our lives, from how we communicate and interact to how we work and learn. By subscribing to the top AI Youtube Channels, you can become an AI master. From Two Minute Papers to Siraj Raval and The Coding Train, these channels provide deep insights and help you develop a solid understanding of AI. 

With tips and best practices for learning AI, you can keep up with the latest trends and learn to use this powerful technology meaningfully. So, join these experts and learn AI with the best!

Author Bio:

Clara Jordyn is a social media expert and writer who is working at She is a regular contributor to well established Social media blogs and she has been into Digital Marketing for two years.

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