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How Much Hand-Holding Do New Employees Need?

By | RankCastle Publishers

When it comes to new employees, employers want to make sure to set them up with the tools and resources for success. Answering any questions at the beginning is vital, and there may need to be repetition of a few instructions to get the message across. However, there is a fine line between providing guidance, and hand-holding your employee through what should be simpler tasks. So how guidance and handholding do new employees really need? Find out below!

Expertise Level

One of the factors that can determine hand-holding for new employees is their level of expertise when it comes to the role they are filling. New employees will often be motivated and enthusiastic to learn, but their expertise may still need work. They will often require more direction from a manager until their expertise level in the tasks assigned has grown.

Provide Info Early & Shadowing As Needed

In order for your new employees to learn, one key step is providing them with all the handbooks, guides, and resources as soon as possible. Preferably, all info should be provided on Day One. Letting new employees shadow a seasoned employee who does the same job and is good at it, along with being great at providing explanation and instruction can be a helpful method to get new employees learning fast and ready to work on their own.

Hover A Little Bit

New employees may have the motivation, but they will often lack the confidence that comes with being thrust into a completely new workspace environment. It is definitely ok to hover a little bit when it comes to a new employee’s first week on the job, as well as explaining specific reasoning for work tasks to help solidify their importance and ensure new employees will retain knowledge better.

Don’t Be Hands-Off

One important thing not to do is be completely hands-off when it comes to new employees. Some employers believe they are empowering new employees and instilling independence quickly by being hands-off during a new employee’s integration, but this can actually have negative effects. New employees are often intimidated when it comes to asking questions about the job, and an environment where the manager is hands-off can prove to provide strain for new employees. While it is important to develop confidence in any new employees, being hands-off is not usually the way to go. Instead, be prepared to work alongside new employees in the first week, providing help and instruction with tasks on the first day, then gradually withdrawing your input to let them handle the tasks instead.

Hand-holding new employees can be a tricky topic for many employers. However, we all want new employees to succeed and learn the designated work for their role as soon as possible. This may require a bit of guidance in the beginning, but luckily, onboarding and employee orientation are the perfect opportunity to begin to introduce new employees to what lies in their role. Helping new employees thrive can lead to more productivity and confidence in your workplace!


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